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   Upneeq ​Uplifted 眼药水

UPNEEQ is the first and only FDA-approved eye-drop for treatment of droopy eyelid. Using UPNEEQ every day can provide an improved field of vision, which may help you see better, along with a visible lift in your eyelid’s position.

Upneeq 是唯一獲得 FDA 批准的用於治療獲得性上瞼下垂(低眼瞼)的處方眼藥水,每日一次,可提升您的上眼瞼來讓眼睛變大。







What is UPNEEQ?


UPNEEQ® (oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution), 0.1% is a prescription eyedrop used to treat acquired blepharoptosis (low-lying lids) in adults.

UPNEEQ®(鹽酸羥甲唑啉滴眼液),0.1% 是一種處方眼藥水,用於治療成人獲得性上瞼下垂(低眼瞼)。

What warnings and precautions are associated with UPNEEQ?

與 UPNEEQ 相關的警告和注意事項有哪些?

  • Low-lying lids may be related to conditions such as stroke and/or brain aneurysm, Horner syndrome, myasthenia gravis, loss of the ability to move eye muscles, eye infection and eye tumors. Tell your doctor if you have any of these conditions.

  • 低眼瞼可能與中風和/或腦動脈瘤、霍納綜合徵、重症肌無力、眼部肌肉運動能力喪失、眼部感染和眼部腫瘤等疾病有關。如果您有任何這些情況,請告訴您的醫生。

  • UPNEEQ is a type of medication that may affect your blood pressure. If you have heart disease, uncontrolled high or low blood pressure, or feel faint at rest or when quickly standing up, you should call your doctor if your symptoms get worse.

  • UPNEEQ 是一種可能會影響您的血壓的藥物。如果您患有心臟病、無法控制的高血壓或低血壓,或者在休息或快速站立時感到頭暈,如果您的症狀惡化,您應該打電話給您的醫生。

  • Patients with reduced blood flow to the brain or heart, or patients who experience eye or mouth dryness due to an immune system disorder, should use care when taking UPNEEQ. Call your doctor immediately if you feel your symptoms may be getting worse.

  • 流向大腦或心臟的血流量減少的患者,或因免疫系統疾病而出現眼或口乾燥的患者,在服用 UPNEEQ 時應小心。如果您覺得您的症狀可能會惡化,請立即致電您的醫生。

  • UPNEEQ may increase the risk of eye pressure due to fluid buildup (angle-closure glaucoma) in patients with untreated narrow-angle glaucoma. Call your doctor immediately if you feel increased pressure in your eye after using UPNEEQ.

  • 在未經治療的窄角型青光眼患者中,UPNEEQ 可能會因液體積聚(閉角型青光眼)而增加眼壓風險。如果您在使用 UPNEEQ 後感覺眼壓增加,請立即致電您的醫生。

  • Do not let the tip of the UPNEEQ vial touch your eye or any other surface. This can help prevent eye injury or contamination. Each UPNEEQ vial is for one-time use and should be discarded after being used.

  • 不要讓 UPNEEQ 小瓶的尖端接觸您的眼睛或任何其他表面。這有助於防止眼睛受傷或污染。每個 UPNEEQ 小瓶為一次性使用,使用後應丟棄。

What are the most common side effects of UPNEEQ?

UPNEEQ 最常見的副作用是什麼?

The most common adverse reactions with UPNEEQ (occurring in 1-5% of patients) were eye inflammation, eye redness, dry eye, blurred vision, eye pain at time of use, eye irritation, and headache.

正常人的上眼睑通常遮盖眼球顶部1-2mm,遮盖>2 mm即可诊断为上睑下垂,无论病因如何,上睑下垂不但会影响美观还会影响视野,对视功能造成不良影响。


Upneeq含0.1% 的盐酸羟甲唑啉,它是一种局部减充血剂和血管收缩剂药物。






How long does Upneeq last?

Upneeq 持續多久?

Each dose (one drop daily) of Upneeq was shown to be effective for at least 6 hours in clinical studies.

在臨床研究中,Upneeq 的每一劑(每天一滴)被證明有效至少 6 小時。

Is Upneeq FDA-approved to be safe and effective?

Upneeq FDA 是否批准安全有效?

Yes, Upneeq is FDA-approved to be both safe and effective for the treatment of acquired eyelid ptosis in adults. To gain FDA approval, Upneeq showed effectiveness in two 6-week trials that followed 304 patients with acquired blepharoptosis. A third study was also conducted to establish that the eye drop is safe.

是的,Upneeq 經 FDA 批准可安全有效地治療成人獲得性眼瞼下垂。為了獲得 FDA 的批准,Upneeq 在跟踪 304 名獲得性上瞼下垂患者的兩項為期 6 週的試驗中顯示了有效性。還進行了第三項研究以確定滴眼液是安全的。

The main ingredient in Upneeq, oxymetazoline hydrochloride, is the same primary ingredient in decongestant nasal spray, such as Afrin®. In nasal spray, the ingredient works by stimulating the blood vessels to contract, while in Upneeq, this ingredient works to stimulate eyelid muscle contraction.

Upneeq 中的主要成分鹽酸羥甲唑啉與減充血鼻噴霧劑(如 Afrin®)中的主要成分相同。在鼻噴霧劑中,該成分通過刺激血管收縮起作用,而在 Upneeq 中,這種成分可以刺激眼瞼肌肉收縮。

A single drop of Upneeq gives most patients a temporary eyelid lift of about 1 mm.

一滴 Upneeq 可使大多數患者的眼瞼暫時提升約 1 毫米。












What are the side effects from Upneeq?

Upneeq 的副作用是什麼?

In clinical trials, a range of side effects were observed in 1-5% of patients and included eye inflammation or irritation, redness, dry eye, blurred vision, headache, redness in the lining inside and at the front of the eye (conjunctival hyperemia), and inflammation of the cornea (punctate keratitis). Eye pain is also possible around the time that Upneeq drops are used.

在臨床試驗中,在 1-5% 的患者中觀察到一系列副作用,包括眼部炎症或刺激、發紅、乾眼、視力模糊、頭痛、眼內和前部內膜發紅(結膜充血)和角膜炎症(點狀角膜炎)。在使用 Upneeq 滴劑時,也可能出現眼痛。

How many times a day can I use Upneeq?

我一天可以使用多少次 Upneeq?

Upneeq should only be used as prescribed: one dose, once daily. Work with your doctor to decide how long it is appropriate for you to use Upneeq, and follow their recommendations.

Upneeq 只能按照規定使用:一劑,每天一次。與您的醫生一起決定您使用 Upneeq 的時間,並遵循他們的建議。

Can Upneeq cause rebound redness?

Upneeq 會導致反彈性發紅嗎?

Using Upneeq may lead to rebound redness (rebound hyperemia), which can occur with use of certain eye drops, such as Visine® or other over-the-counter products, that relieve redness by constricting blood vessels. Rebound redness is a persistent redness that develops after your eye becomes accustomed to a redness-relieving eye drop. While Upneeq is not prescribed for redness relief, the active ingredient may constrict blood vessels, and could lead to this redness. Contact your doctor if you experience more redness than normal, or any other symptoms, while you are using Upneeq.

使用 Upneeq 可能會導致反彈性發紅(反彈性充血),這可能在使用某些眼藥水(如 Visine® 或其他非處方產品)時發生,這些眼藥水可通過收縮血管來緩解發紅。反彈性發紅是在您的眼睛習慣了緩解發紅的眼藥水後出現的持續發紅。雖然 Upneeq 沒有用於緩解發紅,但活性成分可能會收縮血管,並可能導致發紅。如果您在使用 Upneeq 時出現比正常情況更多的發紅或任何其他症狀,請聯繫您的醫生。

Upneeq underwent thorough clinical trials to receive FDA-approval for acquired blepharoptosis, or “droopy eyelids.”

Upneeq 經歷了徹底的臨床試驗,以獲得 FDA 批准的獲得性上瞼下垂或“眼瞼下垂”。

Can I use Upneeq with my other eye drops?

我可以將 Upneeq 與其他眼藥水一起使用嗎?

Yes, you can likely use Upneeq with other eye drops. After using Upneeq, wait 15 minutes before using any other eye drops (or inserting contact lenses). Be sure to talk to your doctor about all of the prescription and over the counter medications and eye drops you use in your consultation to ensure that they are safe to use with Upneeq.

是的,您可以將 Upneeq 與其他眼藥水一起使用。使用 Upneeq 後,等待 15 分鐘後再使用任何其他眼藥水(或插入隱形眼鏡)。請務必與您的醫生討論您在諮詢中使用的所有處方藥、非處方藥和眼藥水,以確保它們可以安全地與 Upneeq 一起使用。

Who is a good candidate for Upneeq?

誰是 Upneeq 的好人選?

If you have mild, moderate, or severe eyelid ptosis (sagging), and you are not taking any medications that will interfere with Upneeq, then you may be a good candidate for the eye-lifting drop. Disclose all of your medications and supplements, as well as your medical history, with your board certified cosmetic surgeon or ophthalmologist in order to determine if you are a good candidate. Upneeq may affect blood pressure and amine metabolism, and therefore may interfere with certain prescription medications, including:

  • Beta-blockers

  • Anti-hypertensive medications

  • Cardiac glycosides

  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

如果您有輕度、中度或重度眼瞼下垂(下垂),並且您沒有服用任何會干擾 Upneeq 的藥物,那麼您可能適合使用提眼藥水。向您的董事會認證的整容外科醫生或眼科醫生披露您的所有藥物和補充劑,以及您的病史,以確定您是否是一個好的候選人。 Upneeq 可能會影響血壓和胺代謝,因此可能會干擾某些處方藥,包括:





How does Upneeq compare to eyelid lift surgery?

Upneeq 與眼瞼提升手術相比如何?

Upneeq helps those with acquired blepharoptosis, or droopy eyelids that develop over time, and is ideal for temporary use—but it can only achieve mild improvement of ptosis. As such, Upneeq is not a substitute for eyelid lift surgery (blepharoplasty), which offers results that are lasting and can treat both genetic and acquired droopy eyelids. Upneeq can be considered a helpful but temporary alternative to surgery for those who are not prepared to have a surgical eyelid lift.

Upneeq 可以幫助患有獲得性上瞼下垂或隨著時間推移而出現下垂的眼瞼的人,非常適合臨時使用——但它只能輕微改善上瞼下垂。因此,Upneeq 不能替代眼瞼提升手術(眼瞼成形術),它提供的效果持久,可以治療遺傳性和後天性眼瞼下垂。對於那些不准備進行手術眼瞼提升術的人來說,Upneeq 可以被認為是一種有用但暫時的替代手術的方法。

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